Speak up, Stand Up and Chin Up

                                              STAND UP, SPEAK UP AND CHIN UP

Some of us might already born with introverted personality, but some of us were born with extroverted personality. Which one are you? And which one are better ? Neither nor. Both kind of personality have their pros and contras. This article is not about identifying which personality do you belong to but  to know that you need each other.

First of all, if you are still focus, our topic is Stand Up, Speak Up and Chin Up. Some of you might have impression that this article are written for those with quiet, left out and introverted personality. But, you are wrong. Why would I say that? Because you can be chatty but still left out in conversation. You can raise your hand and speak your opinion but still feeling unsure of your own thoughts. It might be you are afraid if the community does not accept you and your opinion. So what is this article about ? It is about standing up for yourself with pride, believing yourself when no one else did, and thrive under pressure even if you feel like giving up on everything.

If  you are introvert, listen and focus. But if you are extrovert, listen and focus too so you can understand introverts better. You can actually know what they are going on and hopefully it will help we all to connect better. People with quiet personality will always get underestimate by others. Other people don’t give them chances to prove themselves in anything. For example, there is a girl who are very a good singer but no one knows that. Why? because she never tell or sing to other people before and people just does not pay attention or care enough to their surroundings. So what should the girl do? She should try to grab any opportunity to show that she is talented. Get into a singing contest, talent show, or simply perform a song at the school talent show. We all know it is not that simple. It is not easy. It takes nerve to do that. Yes , but just try. This might be beginning for new adventure.

Moving on to the lousy people. What should you do? Hear them out. People with introverted personality, rarely say anything, but when they speak up, hear them out just like they have always listened to you all the time. Maybe if you pay more attention, they will be more courageous to come out from their shells and speak up. Or, maybe they hate being in the center and receiving attentions, and they just prefer to do their own things and hiding in their tiny little hut. Is it true? You decide. I strongly believe, even though they did not like the attention as much as the extroverts do, but they still would like to have their own opinion to be hear out and they still want people know that they are exist, have potential and have abilities to do something that you cannot do.

You already know your roles. So, make a change. Change for yourself, change for people around you. You can change the world. You already know that we need each other in this life. It is very crucial for you to know this and actually work this out. You have to know that you cannot shut people out just because their opinions does not match with yours. You also need to know that you have to give yourself a chance to believe in yourself and others. You must be proud of your accomplishment even though it is just small things that people don’t even see or appreciate. You are worth it. You are equally important as others. Do not look down on yourself or  other people. Respect, understand and appreciate yourself. Do not let the negative thought swirling around inside your head.  Speak up when you know it is wrong. Stand for what you believe but also at the same time, learn to compromise. Learn to negotiate. It is unfair for people to listen  to you but you are not listening to them , isn’t it ? I truly hope we all learn something today and make a change even if the slightest one.


  1. good thoughts. I like your words when you say, you have to know that you cannot shut people out just because their opinions does not match with yours.

  2. Your writings speaks up the unspoken truth.. thanks..

  3. i truly can relate with everything you said. i know opinions are matter but life nowadays is so cruel :')


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